Abstract Guidelines Cardiac Society Brunei Darussalam 5th Annual Scientific Meeting 2018
• Abstracts should be up to a maximum of 400 words in length and be on a subject in a field of cardiovascular medicine and should be submitted by 28th September 2018. Abstracts sent after this date may be accepted at the Society’s discretion
• They should contain an introduction, methods, results and conclusion section unless it is a case report, in which case the methods section can be omitted.
• The abstract should be submitted to bruneicardiacsociety@gmail.com
• All abstracts will be accepted to be presented as a Poster
• Abstracts will be presented during a Moderated Poster session. The poster should be A0 size in a portrait orientation. The abstract presenters should put up their posters before the start of the meeting. Abstract presenters should be registered as conference attendees
• The abstract presenters should be present during the Moderated Poster session which will be held during the lunch break at 1:15 pm in the Exhibition Hall on the Roof Floor, Pantai Jerudong Specialist Centre on 7 October 2018. Abstract presenters will be expected to by their poster at the start of the session
• The poster presentation should last for a maximum of 5 minutes and will be judged by an expert panel. There will be a question-and-answer session following the presentation
• The best Moderated Poster will be awarded a prize of BND 500 and will be announced at the end of the meeting
CME for 2 days : 6 points , CNE 8 points for 2 days. And CAHE 6 points for 2 days
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